Chapter : 48

Al-fathu – The victory

 Total verses : 29

The chapter is named ‘Al-fath’as the first verse of this chapter mentions about the great victory .

In the name of Allah the most Beneficent and the most Merciful.

1. (O Muhammad), indeed, We gave you a clear victory.

2. 3. (He gave you this victory) in order to forgive,493 for you, your sins of the past and of the future, to fulfil His favours upon you, to show you the right way and that Allah will render a great help to you 26

4 . It is He who sent down peace in the minds of the believers, in order to increase the belief along with the existing faith . The forces of the heavens507 and the earth belong only to Allah. Allah is the knowing and the wise.

5.(He gave you peace ) in order to admit the beliving men and women in the gardens of paradise. Beneth them rivers flow . They will remain there pemanently . He will remove their sins from them. This is the great victory with Allah.

6.He (did thus) to punish , the hypocritical men and women and polytheist men and women , who have evil opinion about Allah. For them is harmful suffering , Allah became angry on the and cursed them6 , He has prepared hell for them, It is the bad dwelling palce.

7.To Allah belongs the forces of the heavens507 and the earth . Allah is Almighty and Wise.

8.(O Muhammad), indeed, We sent you as a witness and giver of good news and a warner.

9.(We sent this messenger), in order that you should believe Allah and his messenger , to honour him by helping Him and to pray Him in the morning and in the evening.

10.Indeed , those who take the promise to you indeed, take the promise only to Allah. Allah’s hand is above their hands . If any one breaks then he breaks it only agaist himself. Allah will give a grand reward to them who fulfil the pledge taken with Allah.

11.(O Muhammad), those who remains behind the villagers will say to you, “Our wealth and our families misdirected us. so, ask forgiveness for us.” They say with their tongues what is not in their minds, Ask “who has the power even (to) a little (extent) (to prevent) from Allah if Allah intended bad or intended good?”. So, Allah is well aware of what you do.

12.No , you thought that this messenger and the believers will never return to their families. It is made attractive in your mind You thought of an evil opinion. You also became the people who will be ruined.

13.And indeed, We have pepared hell for the disbelievers (of us) who have not believed in Allah and His messenger.

14.And the rule of the heavens507 and the earth belongs only to Allah. He forgives whom He wants . It is Allah who is the Forgiving and the Merciful .

15.When you set out to gather the meterials left by the enemies in the war, those who remained behind without going to war, will say, “Permit us to follow you.” They want to change the words of Allah .(O Muhammad) say, “Do not follow us.Thus, already Allah has said” They will say that you are jealous of us. Not so. They do not understand except a little.

16.(O Muhammad), tell these villagers who remained behind without going to the war, “ you will be called to fight agaist a people of might ; or they will surrender. If you obey then Allah will give a good reward for you. He will give you painful suffering if you turn away as you have turned away before.”

17.There is no wrong on the blind (if they remain without going to war). Also there is no wrong on the lame . There is no wrong on the sick. He shall admit in the gardens of paradise those obey Allah and His messengers. Beneath them rivers flow . He will give him painful suffering to those who turn away .

18.Certainly, Allah accepted the believers when (they) took promise to you under that tree 334. He knows what is in their mind . He sent down peace upon them. He also gave them victory which is near.

19.And they will gather a lot of materials left behind by the enemies in the battle-field . Allah is Almighty and the Wise.

20.Allah gave you the promise, “You will gather a lot of materials left behind by the enemies in the battle-field.” He also fulfilled that for you quickly. He prevented the hands of the people in order that it will be an evidence for the believers and to show you the right way .

21.And you have (not established your ) strength over the other group. Allah has known them completely . He has power over all things.

22.And if those who have disbelieved (only one God ) come to fight with you, they will indeed, run turning their backs . Then, they will not see either a protector or a helper .

23.This is the established way of Allah( before) . You will not see any change in the way of Allah.

24.And it is only He who prevented your hands from them, their hands form you ,after He gave you victory against them in the centre of Makka. He is Seeing what you are doing .

25.It is they who turned away (from the only one God). They prevented you from ‘Masjid-ul-Haram’. They also (prevented) a sacrificial animal from reaching its place (of sacrifice). (He would have permited to fight) if it not for that you will attack the believeing men and women whom you do not know and without (their) knowing harm will be caused to you by them Allah will admit those whom He want, in His mercy . We would have punished those who disbelieved with severe torment, had (the good) remained seperated .

26.When the disbelievers (of only one God) took detemination , a foolish determination in their minds, Allah sent down His peace on His messenger and the believers. He made them hold fast to the word of righteousness (the fear of God). They deserved that and were also worthy (of it) . And Allah is knowing of every thing.

27.Indeed , Allah made it true to His messenger, the dream (he saw ) . so, if Allah wants you will ener the ‘Masjid-ul-Haram’ in safety, with your head shaved, hair shortened and without fearing . He knows, what you do not know . In addition, He has also effected a victory, (which is) near (at hand) 163

28.It is He who sent His messenger with the right way and the true religion, in order to establish the superiorty over all other religions . Allah is sufficient to watch . 

29.Muhammad is the messenger of Allah .Those with him are severe over the disbelievers (of only one God) and kind between themselves. 382 You will see them doing ‘rukuh’ and ‘sajda’. They will seek from Allah mercy and acceptance . Their identity will be a scar of sajda on their faces . This is the example in ‘Tawrath’491&25. The example, for them in Injeel, is like a plant . It brings out its off-shoot. Then it strenghtens it. Then it gets hard and it stays firm upon its stalks. It makes the farmers (believers) happy, in order to cause anger for the disbelievers. Allah has promised forgiveness and a great reward for those among them who believed and did good deeds .