An-Nisa- Women
Total Verses:176
More number of rules, regarding women, are present in this chapter than in any other chapter. As rules like property rights for women, family life, divorce, rights of inheritance,etc.. are mentioned in this chapter it is titled ‘Women’.
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful:
1.O Mankind, fear your God who has created you from a single soul. He(God) created its (Adam)partner from it. From both of them, He proliferated a large number of men and and women368. Fear such Allah through whom you place your demand to one another504. Also (fear) in the matter of relations. Indeed Allah is ever watching over you.
2. And give the properties of the orphans to them. Do not substitute the bad (of your properties) for the good (of their properties). Do not add their properties with your properties and eat them. Indeed, it is a great wrong.
3.If you fear that you cannot393 act justly in the matter of orphans, you marry the women, whom you like, two or three or four. If you fear that you cannot act justly then marry only one or (be satisfied with) the slave women107 in your possession. This is only the way on you to avoid.
4.Give their marriage gift108 to women compulsorily. You can eat with happiness and with satisfaction if they give up willingly anything to you.
5.Do not give the properties, for which you have been made guardian by Allah, to the immature (owners). From that you give them food. Give them also clothes. Speak nice words to them.
6. And test the orphans. You hand-over their properties to them when they reach their age of marriage and if you find eligibility in them. Do not eat that wastefully and in haste, fearing that they will grow up. Let the one who is wealthy (without touching the orphan’s property) keep his self-respect. One who is poor can eat (on the basis of getting wages for the maintenance). When you hand-over their properties to them arrange for witnesses in their matter. Allah is sufficient to watch.
7. Whether it is little or much, Men also have share in what the parents and relatives have left. Women also have share in what the parents and relatives have left. This division is a compulsory duty.
8. While dividing if relatives, orphans and poor come, you give them also from that. Speak to them nice words only.
9. (In the case of orphans), let them fear in their matter, as much, as if they had left weak progeny after them. Let (them) fear Allah. Let them speak only honest word.
10.Indeed, those who eat the properties of the orphans unjustly only eat up (fill) fire into their stomach. They will char in fire.
11.Allah emphasizes in the case of your children, “A man has the shares of two women”109. If all of them are women (two or) and more that two, they have two-third of the share in what their (parents) have left. If it is only one woman then she has half (of the total property). If dead has progeny then each parent has one sixth of the share in what he has left. If the dead has no progeny then both the parents become the heirs to what he has left. One third of the share is for his mother. If (the dead) has brothers, then his mother has one sixth of the share. (All these are applicable) only after fulfilling his bequest and (the payment of) debt. You will not know among your parents and children who will be more beneficial to you. (It) is the duty prescribed by Allah. Indeed, Allah is knowing; wise.
12.If your wives have no child you have half of what they have left. If they have child you have quarter of what they have left. (The division has to be made) only after fulfilling the bequest and (the payment of) debt. if you have no child then your wives will have quarter of what you have left. If you have child then your wives will have one eighth of what you have left. (The division has to be made) only after fulfilling the bequest and (the payment of) debt. If the dead, whether it is man or woman, have no child110, but has a brother or a sister then each of them has one share. If it is more than that then,they will be partners in one- third of the share. (The division has to be made) only after the fulfilment of bequest and (the payment of) debt. (All these have to be done) without causing loss (to anybody)111. This is the order of Allah. Allah is Knowing, Forbearing.
13. Those are the limits of Allah. Allah will make, those who obey Allah and to His Messenger, enter into the gardens of paradise. Beneath them rivers flow. Stay there permanently. This is the great success.
14.(Allah) will make the one who transgresses and disobeys Allah and His messenger, to enter into Hell. He will be there permanently. He will have a humiliating suffering.
15. If your women do any immoral act, you prove it with four of your witnesses112. If they testify keep them (women) in their houses till they die or till Allah shows some other way in their matter.
16. Punish113the two among you, who did the immoral act. If they repent and correct themselves, then leave them alone. Indeed, Allah is the acceptor of repentance, Merciful.
17.Forgiveness with Allah is only for those who after having done wrong ignorantly, immediately ask for forgiveness. Allah will forgive only them. Allah is Knowing, Wise.
18.For those who say, after having done wrong, when death nears them, ”Indeed, now; I ask for forgiveness and for those who have died disbelieving (only one God), there is no forgiveness. The painful suffering has been prepared only for them.
19.O believers, you have no permisson403to possess the women by compulsion. Do not cause them trouble in order to take back what you have given to them. Unless they openly do immoral act. You live with them in a good manner. If you hate them (remember) Allah would have kept much good, in a thing which you hate.
20. If you want to marry another woman, after the divorce of one (the first), wife does not take back anything, even if you had given a heap (of riches). Do you take back when it is cruelty and big crime?
21. How can you take back that, when they have taken a firm contract with you and you have inter-mixed (conjugal happiness) with each other?
22.And do not marry the women who have married your fathers. Unless it has happened before114. This is immoral, hateful and an evil way.
23.Prohibited to you (for marriage) are your mothers, daughters, sisters, sisters of your fathers, sisters of you mother, daughters of your brother, daughters of your sisters, suckling mothers, sisters (daughter of the suckled mothers), wives’ mothers, daughters (who are under your guardianship) born to your wives,(through other husbands) with whom you had (intercourse) relationship. It is not wrong for you to marry the daughters of your wives if you had divorced them before having intercourse. Sons’ wives born to you are also (prohibited). Marrying two sisters at the same time is also (prohibited). Unless it has happened before114. Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. PART – 5
24.And except your slave-women (you are prohibited to marry) the married women. (This) is the rule Allah has prescribed for you. Except these (above mentioned), you are permitted,not through prostitution, but by giving (gifts from) your wealth,to marry others. Among them, from whom you derive happiness (due to marriage), you must give their marriage gift108to them. However, it is not wrong on you, after the fixing, (to change the agreed amount of marriage-gift) with mutual satisfaction. Indeed Allah is knowing and Wise.
25.Those among you who do not have the means (of wealth) to marry believing women without husbands, they (can be satisfied with) the believing slave-women107. Allah knows very well about your faith. You and they are one from another. You marry them with the permission of their owners. To such slave-women who do not have illegal-husbands, do not indulge in prostitution and remain chaste give their marriage-gifts108 honestly. If, after marriage, they do immoral act then they have half of the punishment given to the women without their husbands115. This is for those among you who fear prostitution. It is better for you if you observe patience. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
26. Allah wants to make clear to you, to show the practices of those who have gone before and to forgive you. Allah is Knowing; Wise.
27. Allah wants to forgive you. Those who follow their whims want that you should completely deviate from the right way.
28. Allah wants to make (the rules) easier to you. (Because) man has been created weak68.
29.O believers, do not eat among yourselves, your goods, in a wrongful manner. Except the business done in a satisfactory manner. Do not kill yourselves. Indeed, Allah is Merciful to you.
30. We will later make those char in hell. Who by transgressing and by causing injustice does this? It is easy for Allah.
31.We (God) will erase your wrongs if you avoid the major sins which were prohibited to you. We will make you enter into a respectable place.
32.Do not be greedy as to why Allah has honoured a few over others. Men have a share in what they have laboured. Women have a share in what they have laboured. And pray Allah for Bounty. Indeed, Allah has been knowing of everything.
33.We have made heirs for what was left behind by the parents and the relatives. You also give share to those with whom you have taken (marriage) contract. Indeed Allah has been watching over everything.
34. As Allah has honoured a few over others and because men spend their things, men are in charge of women. Good women are those who behave obediently and with the security of Allah protect the hidden (chastity). If you fear sulkiness (in the matter of wives) you give them advice. Separate them from the beds. Beat them. If they obey you do not seek for any other way against them. Indeed, Allah is most High and Great66.
35. If you fear that breach may occur between the two, send an arbiter from the side of his family and an arbiter from the side of her family. If they want to come to an understanding Allah will cause understanding between them. Allah is knowing and well Acquainted.
36.Worship Allah. Do not associate anything to Allah. Do good to your parents, relatives, orphans, poor, near neighbours, neighbours farther away, traveller fellow, wayfarer206and your slaves. Indeed Allah will not love those who are proud and boastful.
37. We have prepared humiliating suffering for the disbelievers practice stinginess, enjoin the people towards stinginess and hide the bounties given to them by Allah.
38.Believing neither in Allah or the Last Day1, those who spend their wealth in order to be praised by the people are (friends of Shaitan). To whoever shaitan has become a friend then he is the worst friend.
39.What loss would occur to them who believe in Allah and the Last Day1 and spend what is given to them by Allah (in good deed)? Allah is ever knows them.
40. Allah will not cause even an action of injustice. If it is good then He will increase it many times over. He will give His great reward.
41.(O Muhammad), When I bring witness to each generation and bring you as a witness against these what will be (their state)?
42.Those who disbelieved (only one God) and disobeyed this messenger will desire on that Day1,”Will not the Earth swallow us?” They cannot hide any statement from Allah.
43.O believers, do not go to prayer116,till you are able to understand what you speak, while you are intoxicated. When it is obligatory for you to wash (do not go to the Masjid for prayer) till you have washed. Except as passer passing(through the Masjid ).494 When you are ill and on a travel or one among you come out of toilet or you touch the women363(sexual intercourse) and (when) you do not get water then rub your faces and hands by touching clean sand117. Allah is Pardoning of your mistakes and Forgiving.
44.Are you not aware of those who have been given the Book27called Blessing? They purchase wrong way. They desire that you should go astray.
45. Allah knows your enemies well. Allah is sufficient as a Guardian; Allah is sufficient to help you.
46. A few among the Jews change the words from their proper places. They say,” (We) Heard and (We) disobeyed; Let not (what we say) be heard by you” and also say ‘raina’. They, with their tongues change (the words). In order to belittle this religion. And if they had said,”(We)Heard and (We) obeyed. (O, Prophet)Hear (us), Un-zurna (pay attention to us), it would have been better and honest for them29. But, Allah has cursed6 them as they disbelieve (Him). Except a few among them (others) will not believe.
47.O people of the Book,27believe in what We have sent, before We (God) disfigure (your) faces and change them into napes (of the neck), or curse6 as We have cursed23 the (Sabbath-breakers) people of Saturdays. That confirms that which you have as true. Allah’s order will certainly be carried out.
48.Indeed, Allah will not forgive associating partners with Him.490 He will forgive the sins of lesser degree, to whom He wants. The one who has associated partners to Allah has associated only a great sin.
49. Are you not aware of those who consider themselves to be pure? Rather, Allah only purifies those whom He wants. (They)will not be caused even an atom of injustice.
50. Observe, “How they invent lies about Allah? It is sufficient to push them into open sin (to push them into the Hell).
51. Are you not aware of those who have been given the Books27as a Blessing? They believe in idols and evil powers. Regarding those who disbelieve (only one God), they say, “They are better than the believers, who are in the right way”.
52. These are the ones whom Allah has cursed. You will not find any help to the one whom Allah has cursed6.
53.]Do they have any share in the authority? Had it been like that they would not have given even a insignificant thing to the people.
54.]Or, do they get jealous because Allah has given His bounty to these people? We gave the Family of Ibrahim, the Book and Wisdom67. We gave them a great Kingdom.
55. ] Among them are also those who believed in him (Muhammad). There are also those who prevent (people) from him. And blazing Hell, is sufficient (for them).
56.Then, indeed (We) will make them char, those who disbelieve our verses, in hell. Whenever there skins were charred, then We will replace119other skins for them, to make them feel the suffering. Indeed Allah is Mighty and Wise.
57.We will make those who believe and do good deeds, to enter into the gardens of Paradise. Beneath them rivers flow. They will remain there permanently. In it they have pure mates8. They will be made to enter into the best of the shades.
58. Indeed Allah orders you to hand-over the charge entrusted to you to the owners and also when you give judgement among the people you have to give the judgement justly. Allah’s advice is very good for you. Allah is Hearing and Seeing.
59. O believers, if you have believed in Allah and the last Day1then obey Allah. Obey this messenger and those who have authority among you. If you have any disagreement over anything refer that only to Allah and this messenger. Indeed, this is the best and a very good explanation120.
60. (O Muhammad), are you not aware of those who claim themselves to be believers of that which was sent to you and that which had been sent before you? They want to seek judgement from the evil powers. They have been ordered to reject that. Shaitan wants to push them into the wrong-way which is very far from the truth.
61. You see the hypocrites rejecting you completely when it is said to them, “Come towards what Allah has revealed and towards this messenger (Muhammad)”.
62. What will happen, if any problem occurs to them, due to their own action? Later, they come to you, “We want only good and unity”.
63. Allah knows what is in their minds. Hence, ignore them. Give them advice. For them, speak word with deeper meaning (which will make an impression) upon their minds.
64.And we do not send any messenger except that by Allah’s wish the people should obey. O Muhammad, if they come to you after causing harm to themselves, seeking forgiveness from Allah, and if (you)the messenger also ask for forgiveness for them, then they will find121Allah as Acceptor of repentance and Merciful.
65.(O Muhammad),by the promise on your God, they will never be true believers until they accept you as a judge in their disputes, then they do not find any dissatisfaction in the judgement given by you and obey you completely.
66. And if we had ordered them, “Kill yourself or leave your places “, except a few among them, (others) would not have fulfilled it. If they had acted according to the advice given, it would have been better for them and would have also showed more firmness (from them).
67. Then We would have also given them great reward.
68. And We would have shown them the right way.
69. Those who obey Allah and this messenger (Muhammad), will be with, the messengers who got the blessings of Allah, the truthful, the martyrs and the good. And they are the best friends.
70.It is a bounty got from Allah. Allah is sufficient as a Knower.
71.O believers, be cautious. Depart in separate groups or depart all together.
72. Indeed, among you there is one who remains (without going to the war). If any trouble happens to you, he says, “As I have not accompanied them, Allah has blessed me”.
73. If you get any bounty from Allah, then as if there is no relationship between you and Him, he will say, “Should I not have been with them? Then I would have got a great success”.
74.Let those who sell their life in this world and purchase the Hereafter, fight in the way of Allah. We will give either a great reward53 for those who fight and get killed in the way of Allah or get success.
75. And what (caused)you53 not to fight in the way of Allah, for the weak among the men, women and children359, who have been saying, “Our God, lead us out of this town where those who cause injustice remain. From your appoint a guardian for us. From You appoint a helper for us”.
76.Those who are believers fight in the way of Allah. Those who are disbelievers (of only one God)fight in the way of evil power. Hence, fight against the associates of Shaitan. Indeed, the plot of Shaitan has ever been weak.
77. Are you not aware of those who were told, “Restrain your hands (from fighting). Establish your prayer. Give Zakath”. When war was made obligatory to them, a group among them fear men as they fear Allah or even have greater fear for them than Allah. They also say, “Our God, Why have you made war obligatory for us? Should (you) not have given sometime us a chance”. Say, “In this world facilities are few only. For those who fear Allah the hereafter is the best. You will not be caused even an atom of injustice.
78.Wherever you may be death will reach you. Even if you are in a strong fort. If any good happens to them, they say, “It has come from Allah”. If any harm occurs to them, they say, “It was caused by you”. (O Muhammad), say, “Everything is only from Allah.” What is happened to this people? (Why do they) not try to understand whatever the news?
79.(O Muhammad), if any good happens to you that is from Allah. If any harm happens to you that is caused by you. We have sent you as a messenger to the mankind187. Allah is sufficient to supervise.
80. One who obeys this messenger (Muhammad), obeys Allah. If anyone rejects then I have not sent you as their protector.
81. They say, “We obey”. (O Muhammad),immediately they leave you, a group of them plot at night against what they said. Allah records whatever they plot at night. So, ignore them. Be on the side of Allah. Allah is sufficient as a Guardian.
82.Would they not think about this Quran? If it had come from some other than Allah they would have seen much contradiction in it123.
83. When they get news about security or fear they spread it. If they had taken it to the messenger (Muhammad) or those who are in authority, then those who analyse it would have understood. If you had been without blessing and His Kindness, except a few,(others) would have followed Shaitan124.
84. (O Muhammad), fight in the way of Allah53. You will not be made responsible (for anybody) except yourself. Encourage the believers. Allah will prevent the attack by the disbelievers. And Allah is Mighty6in attacking. Also strict in punishment.
85. For those who do good intercession there is a share in it. For those who do bad intercession there is a share in it. Allah has been watching over everything.
86.If you are greeted with a greeting, greet with what is beautiful than it or return the same. Indeed, Allah has been keeping an account of everything.
87. Nobody is worshipful except Allah. He will gather you together on the Day of Khiyamah1 about which there is no doubt. And who can be the speaker of truth better than Allah?
88. Why have you become (divided into) two groups (in taking a decision) about the hypocrites? Allah has made them fall back for what they have done. Do you want to show the right way to those, whom Allah has left in the wrong way? And you will not find any way to those whom Allah has left in the wrong way.
89.They want, “As they have become disbelievers (of only lone God), you should also become disbelievers then you and they should become equal in (faith)” . So, you do not make (any of) them your close friends89 till they do Hijrah460 in the way of Allah. If they reject, then catch (hold of) them. Kill them wherever you find53. Do not make among them, any guardian or helper.
90.Except those who have joined the community which made an agreement with you or those who have come to refusing to fight against you or against their community. If Allah had wanted He would have made them rule over you. Then, they would have fought against you. If they leave you, cease with their fighting and come to you for peace, Allah has not made any way for you, against them.
91.You will also see a few others. They want to get protection from you and also from their community. Whenever they are called to create unrest, they take part in it intensely. Catch them if they do not leave you, do not come to you for peace and do not keep their hands under control. If you see then you kill them. We have made a clear evidence to (fight) against them53.
92.It is un-becoming of a believer to kill another believer except by mistake. If anybody kills wrongly then (he) should set free a believing slave. The family (of the killed) should be handed over compensation unless they forego it as charity. You have to set free a believing slave if he belonged to the community which was against you and was also a believer. If he had been from a community which had made an agreement with you, you have to give compensation209 for his family and also set free a believing slave. Those who have no means; have to fast continuously for two months. (This) is Allah’s forgiveness. Allah is Knowing and Wise.
93.The reward for one who kills the believer, knowingly, is Hell. He will stay there permanently. Allah became angry with him. Cursed him6. He has prepared severe suffering for him.
94.O believers, If you go to (fight) in the way of Allah make (yourself) clear. Do not say, “You are not a believer”, to whom, who has greeted you, with Salam, to grab the materials of this worldly life. Allah has lot of wealth. Before this, you were also like that. Allah blessed you. So, make (yourself) clear. Indeed, Allah is Knowing what you do.
95.,96. Among the believers, those who do not go to war without any proper reason and those who fight in the way of Allah with their wealth and life are not equal. Allah has honoured, those who fight with their wealth and life in the way of Allah, by giving them a degree above those who do not fight. And Allah has promised good to all. Allah has honoured those who fight, with a great reward, with many higher degrees, with His forgiveness and Blessings over those who have not fought. Allah is Forgiving and Merciful26.
97.Indeed, when capturing the lives of those who have wronged themselves, the angels will ask, “In what condition were you?”165 They will say, “We were very weak in the earth”. The (angels) will ask, “Was not Allah’s earth spacious? Should you not have done Hijrah460 in it?” Their place of rest is Hell. That is a bad place for rest.
98. Except, the weak among the men, women and children. They are not able to do any trick. They will not know any (right) way.
99. Allah will forgive their mistakes. Allah is Pardoning and Forgiving.
100.One who does Hijrah460 in the way of Allah will get on earth many places of refuge and facilities? If death occurs to one who does Hijrah towards Allah and His messenger and departs, leaving his home, he will get his reward from Allah. Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
101.If you fear, while making a travel on the earth, that those who disbelieve (only one God), may attack you, then there is nothing wrong in shortening your prayer125. Indeed, those disbelievers (of only one God) are your open enemies.
102.(O Muhammad), when you were in the (battle-field) and conduct126prayer to them, let a part among them stand with you (in prayer). Let them also take their weapons. After the prostration let them go behind you. Let the other group which has not prayed, pray with you. Let them also take their weapon with precaution. The disbelievers (is only one God) want that you should be careless about your weapons and instruments and they also want to attack you suddenly. It is not wrong to lay down your weapon, if you are troubled either by rain or by illness. (At the same time) be cautious. Indeed, Allah has prepared for those who disbelieve (Him) humiliating suffering.
103.You remember Allah, after finishing your prayer, in the posture of standing, sitting and lying. When you reach the fearless state you establish the prayer (in full)127. Indeed, on the believers, prayer is a time specified obligation.479
104.And do not be dispirited in the pursuit of that crowd (enemies). If you suffer (do not be sad because), they also suffer as you have suffered. You expect (the paradise) which they do not expect from Allah. Allah is knowing and Wise.
105.(O Muhammad), to give judgement on the basis of what Allah has showed you, we have revealed to you this Book, containing truth128. Do not become the pleaders, in support of the deceivers.
106.Seek forgiveness from Allah493. Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
107.Do not plead for those who wrong themselves. Allah does not like the treacherous, sinful.
108.They can hide (it) from the people, but (they) cannot hide it from Allah. He (God) was with49 those, who plotted at night by speaking words, which were not liked by God. Allah is Knowing fully of what they do.
109.You are pleading for them in this worldly life. Who will plead to Allah for them in the Day of Khiyamah1? Or who will take the responsibility for them?
110. Whoever does harm or causing harm to themselves, then if they seek forgiveness from Allah, they will find Allah Forgiving and Merciful.
111.One who does wrong does it against himself265. Allah is Knowing and Wise.
112.One who commits a mistake or wrong and then blames it on someone unrelated to it, has, indeed been burdened with slander and open sin.
113.(O Muhammad), a part of them would have tried to mislead you, if you had been without Allah’s blessing and kindness (Mercy). They are wronging themselves. No harm can be done by them to you. Allah revealed the Book and Wisdom67 to you. He taught you that which you did not now. Allah’s blessing on you is Great.
114.There is no good in most (majority) of their talk, except, promoting charity, good deed, and making mutual goodwill among the people. And we will give great reward for those who do these seeking Allah’s satisfaction.
115.We will leave those, on the way they proceed who, after the right way has become clear to them, contradict this messenger (Muhammad) and follow the way other than the way of the believers (those who have believed).515 We will also make them char in Hell. That is a very bad (place).
116.Indeed, Allah will not forgive if anybody is associated as partners to Him.490 He will forgive whom He wants that which is less than that. One, who associates partners to Allah, has fallen too far into the wrong way.
117.They by leaving Him call (invoke) only the female (deities). Indeed, they have not called anyone except the roguish shaitan.
118.,119.Allah has cursed him (shaitan)6. He said (to God), “Among your servants I will succeed over a specified portion of people. (Will make them go astray); Will mislead them; Will speak (misleading) tempting words to them; Will order them; They will slit the ears of the cattle. (Again) “Will order them; They will change what God has formed” .One who has made shaitan his guardian, instead of Allah, has certainly incurred an open loss26.
120.To them he gives his promises. Tells them tempting words. Shaitan promises to them only disappointment.
121.Their resting place is Hell. They will not find a way of escape from that.
122.We will make those who believe and do good deeds, enter into Paradise. Beneath them flow rivers. They will be there permanently, forever. (This) is Allah’s true promise. Who will speak truth better than Allah?
123. The (judgement in the hereafter) will not be either according to your liking or to the liking of the people of the Book27. The one who has done wrong deed will be punished for that. He will not see any helper or guardian except Allah.
124. Those from men or women, who believed and did good deeds, will enter Paradise. They will not be caused even a smaller amount of injustice.
125.Who is entitled to this good religion than the one, who submitted his face to Allah, did good deeds and followed the religion of Ibrahim, who adhered to the true way? Allah made Ibrahim his close friend.
126. And whatever is in the heavens507 and on the earth belongs only to Allah. Allah has been knowing everything fully.
127.They ask you (O Muhammad), religious judgement concerning women. Say, “Allah gives judgement concerning them, to you”. It has been (already) said129in this Book, concerning your wish to marry them without giving what was due108 to the orphan women, concerning the weak children and concerning the orphans whom you have to maintain with justice. And indeed, Allah is ever knowing of whatever good you do.
128.There is nothing wrong402for the two, if a woman fears from her husband discord or boycott, either to make peace between themselves, in a good manner (or separate). (For) Peace is better. Among the men stinginess is naturally present. If you render help (to one another) and have fear (in God) then indeed, Allah is well aware of what you do.
129.It is impossible to act justly among your wives, even if you desire (sincerely). So do not incline completely (to one side) and thereby leave the other hanging in the air108. Indeed, Allah is forgiving and Most Merciful, if you adopt reconciliation and fear (God).
130.If both separate, then Allah will make each of them self-sufficient with his bounty. Allah is Wise and Generous.
131.Whatever is in the heavens507 and in the earth belongs to Allah. We have emphasized on the people who were given the Book27 before you and yourselves, “Fear Allah”. If you disbelieve (only one God) whatever is in the heavens and on the earth belongs to Him only. Allah is Free of need485 and worthy of the praise.
132.Whatever is in the heavens507 and on the earth belongs to Him only. Allah is sufficient to be the guardian.
133.O Mankind, If He wants, after destroying you, He will bring some other community. Allah has power to do so.
134. If anybody wants the benefits of this world, (then know) the benefits of the world and the benefits of the hereafter are only with Allah. Allah is Hearing and Seeing.
135.O believers, even if it is detrimental to you, your parents and your relatives, be the establisher of Justice and giver of witness for Allah, whether (the respondent and the responder) he was rich or poor for both of them Allah is the Guardian. Do not follow the whims of your mind in giving Justice. Indeed, Allah is well aware of what you do, if you distort (the evidence) or boycott.
136. O believers, believe in Allah, His messenger, the Book He sent to His messenger and the Book he sent before. And one who refuses to accept Allah, His angels, His Books, His messengers and the Last Day1 have certainly fallen too far into wrong.
137.Indeed, for such of those who believe, then disbelieved (only one God), then believe, then (again) disbelieve, then have increased the disbelief (of God), Allah will never forgive them.490 He will never show them the right way.
138.Warn, “Painful suffering is (waiting) for the hypocrites”.
139.They have made those who disbelieve (only one God) as their close friends89, leaving the believers. Do they seek honour from them? Indeed, all honour belongs to Allah only.
140.If you hear Allah’s verses are rejected and mocked at, then do not sit with them, until they engage themselves in someother talk (topic). God has revealed in His Book that (If you sit with them) indeed, you will also be just like them131. Indeed, Allah will gather all the hypocrites and those who disbelieve (only one God) in Hell (all together).
141.They have been watching you. If you get success from Allah, they say, “Were we not with you?” If those who disbelieve (only one God) get success they say, “Did we not prevent the believers (from getting success over you) though we had the upper hand. Allah will give judgement among you on the Day of Khiyamah1. Allah has not made for the disbelievers a way against the believers.”
142.Indeed, Hypocrites think of deceiving Allah. But, He is going to deceive them6. When they stand for their prayer, they stand with laziness (in order to) show the people. They remember Allah only a little.
143.They have been oscillating between neither to these nor to those. You will not find a way to those who have been left in wrong by Allah.
144.O believers, do not make the disbelievers (of only one God) your close friends, leaving the believers89, Do you want to create a clear sign against you to Allah?
145.Indeed, hypocrites will be in the lowest berth in Hell. You will not see any helper to them.
146. Except those who asked for repentance and reformed, hold fast to Allah, dedicate their prayer with pure mind only to Allah. They will be with the believers and Allah will give a great reward to the disbelievers later.
147.Why should Allah punish you if you believe and thankful to Him? Allah is Appreciative6 and Knowing.
Part 6
148. Allah will not like (anybody) speaking bad words openly except the one on whom the injustice has been done. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.
149.Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Powerful if you reveal the good or hide it and forgive the wrong done(by others).
151.Indeed, those who disbelieve Allah and His Messengers saying, “(We will) accept some and reject others”, discriminate between Allah and His messengers132 desiring to create a middle way, are the real disbelievers(of us). We have prepared humiliating suffering for the disbelievers26.
152. For those who believed Allah and His messenger and do not show any partiality among any of them, Allah will give them their rewards. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
153.(O Muhammed), “ the people of the Book ask you152 & 312, you should send down a Book to them from the sky.” They have asked from Musa something greater than this. They asked, “Show us Allah before our eyes.” The thunderbolt stuck them because of the injustice caused by them21. They invented a calf(as God)19after clear signs had come to them. We forgave that (act) And gave Moosa clear signs.
154.We raised the Mount Tur over them22 to take the promise from them. We said, “Enter through the gate, submitting.” And also said to them, “Do not transgress on Saturday23” And took firm promise from them.
155. Allah put the seal on their minds, because of the breaking of the promise, their refusal to accept Allah’s verses, for their killing of the messengers without any justice, for saying that their minds have been locked and above all, for their disbelief(of only one God).
156.,157.They believe only a little. (God put the seal) because of their disbelief (in only one God) and uttering great slander on Maryam and of their saying that they only killed Allah’s messenger Isa, the son of Mary, who was known as Masih. They neither killed him nor they crucified him on the cross. Instead, someone was substituted for him. Those who disagree with this are in doubt only. They do not have knowledge about it except following assumption. Certainly they didnot kill him26.
158.Rather Allah has raised him up to Himself. Allah is Mighty and Wise133.
159.There is none among the people of the Book27, before his death (after Isa’s return to earth) can remain without believing him134. He will be a witness against them on the Day of Khiyamah1.
160.,161.We made unlawful , the pure (thing) which had been permitted to them because of the injustice done by the Jews , their prevention of large number of people from Allah’s way for getting interest even-though they have been forbidden (to get) interest and for eating the wealth of the people in a wrong manner. We have arranged a painful suffering for those among them who disbelieve (us).
162. But among them the well educated are the believers. (O Muhammad), believe in what has been revealed to you and that which was revealed before4. And We will give a great reward to those who establish prayer, give zakath and believe in Allah and the Last Day1.
163.Indeed, We have also revealed to you (O Muhammad), the message as We have revealed it to Nuh and those messengers who came after them. We also revealed the message to Ibrahim, Ismail, Isac, Yaqub, (their) progeny, Isa, Ayub, Yunus, Harun and Sulaiman. We gave Zabur to Dawud.
164.(O Muhammad), We have mentioned to you before, the history of some of the messengers. We have not mentioned the history of some of the messengers. Allah truly spoke to Musa.
165. (He sent) messengers who conveyed good news and gave warning, so that after sending the messenger the people should not get any evidence to blame Allah. Allah is Mighty and Wise.
166.But (O Muhammad), Allah Himself is a witness to what has been revealed to you. He revealed it with his explanation. Angels also stand as witness. Allah is sufficient to Super-wise.
167.Indeed, those who disbelieve (only one God) and prevent from the way of Allah, have fallen too far (from Truth) into wrong.
168.,169.Indeed, never will Allah forgive490 those who disbelieved (Him) and caused injustice. He will not show (any other) way except the way to Hell. They will stay in it permanently and this is easy for Allah26.
170. O Mankind, this messenger (Muhammad) has brought the truth from your God. So, believe. That is best for you. If you disbelieve (only one God) whatever is in the heaven507 and the earth belongs only to Allah And Allah is Knowing and Wise.
171.O the people of the Book27, do not transgress in your religion. Do not say (anything) on Allah except the truth. Isa, the Masih92, who is the son of Maryam is Allah’s messenger (created by) Allah’s order. He bestowed that order on Maryam. He is also His soul90. So believe in Allah and His messenger. Do not say God is three459. Abstain from it.(That) is better for you. Indeed, Allah is the one, who is worthy of worship. He is Pure10, (from all weakness) from having a son10. Whatever is in the heavens507 and on the earth belongs only to Him. And Allah is sufficient as a custodian.
172. Masih92 and the angels near (to God) will not disdain from being servants to Allah459. He will gather all those who want to disdain from being servants and are proud.
173.(God) will give fully the rewards to those who believe and do good deeds. He will give more of His blessings. He will punish severely those who leave the bond of Slavery (to God) and proud. They will not find any helper or custodians except Allah.
174. O Mankind, from your God evidence has come to you. We have sent clear light to you.
175.Allah will make, those who believe and hold fast to Him, enter into his Kindness and Blessing. He will make them, turn towards Him on the right way.
176. (O Muhammad), they ask you about the religious ruling regarding Kalalah110. You say, “Allah gives the ruling about this.” When a man dies without any child and if he has a sister, she will get half of what he has left. If she does not have a child(at the time of her death) her brother will become her heir. If there are two sisters then they get two third of what he left. If there are males and females as brothers and sisters then a male will get the shares of two females109. Allah makes it clear so that you should not go astray. And Allah is Knowing of all things.