195. The poor have a claim of share in the spoils of war.

Verse (8:41) of the Quran talks about a share of the spoils of war for the needy poor (ie) 4/5 of the spoils to those who took part in the war and 1/5 to be allocated to the poor.

That is 80% of the spoils to those participated who in the war and 20% to Prophet Muhammad, his relations, the poor and needy, orphans, nomads, ctc.

Since Allah is also mentioned here ,is not be misunderstood as a share to Him Because whenever something is mentioned as belonging to Allah it has to be taken as belonging to the poor and needy as per fundamentals of Islam.

Since Prophet Muhammad and his family were prohibited from staking claim from the Zakat contributed, Allah allotted a part of the spoils of war to them