308. The rare species to be exposed in the final days of the world.

There are many wonders that are predicted to take place during the final days of destruction of this world, one such is mentioned in this verse (27:82) of the Quran is the rare species that is to be exposed during the doomsday.

This verse says the rare species to be exposed, in the final days of the world, will be one that has never been witnessed by humans yet, and that it would converse with humans.

This is an ordinary marvel to be performed by the Almighty. People who are led by their own desires give a weird meaning calling the species that is promised to be exposed at the doomsday as a radio, or a tape recorder player.

Though there are different kinds of explanations offered by many, the fact remains. The meaning of the word ‘Taabbat’ refers to a being.

In addition we also come across Prophet Muhammad while mentioning the ten signs of doomsday including this ‘being’ as one.

Hence the being that is promised to be exposed in the final days, refers to a creature and not any modern day invention.